And so, under gloomy skies, 21 Golfing Munchkins made the 50 mile trek along the Yellow Brick Road to Oz, well, it was the B483 Wrexham Road actually, to enjoy the Pre-Season Warm-up Event.
It's a lovely course, albeit a bit damp underfoot following recent rain, but a great choice to kick off 2025. Anyhow, there was the usual stream of excuses from all directions about ..."not having played since..." etc, but everyone was hitting decent drives off the nervous first tee all the same, and it was enjoyed by one and all.
The winning score and title of the Wizard of Oz went to our reigning champ, Mr John Chappo, with a very decent 36 points, just pipping our Vice Skipper, Mr. John Roche.
NTPs were won by Robbie Henderson, Peter Batey and his Chu-Chi Legs, Guest, Liam Girwan, and the eternally 80 years young, and returning Mr Roberto Sneddon, whilst the Captain's Draw Prize for the highest Random 6 holes score went to JR (albeit after a Card draw off against John Chappo, who had the same score)
Gertie Goose was not up for grabs just yet, as she's still enjoying her Winter roost at Casa Dennis, but she is looking forward to re-acquainting herself with everyone at Prestatyn...
For the full album of Oswestry photos click here
Our sparkling new Vice-Skipper, Mr. John Roche, has booked an initial 'warm-up' Event at the tremendous Oswestry Golf Club on Sunday March 23rd 2025.
6 Tees have been booked from 11.00 a.m. at a cost of £35 per person, including a coffee and bacon butty beforehand.
The Event will be strictly limited to a maximum of 24 Attendees, so get your name down asap.
The first 24 members who confirm attendance and pay the £35 into the Society Account will have their names added here...
Bob Sneddon, Mark Lewis, Mark McNally, John Roche, Robbie Henderson, Les Hornby, Alan Dennis, Chris Sullivan, Steve Hudson, Gary Chapman, John Chapman, Jeff Burgess, Jason Jones, Ian Stevenson, Peter Batey, Darren White, James Oliver, Liam Girvan (Guest), Andy Fitzpatrick, Charlie Fitzpatrick, Karl Taylor, Alex Stewart, Billy Miller (Guest), Toddy Hodson (Guest) - 24/24 Spaces taken
We had a very positive AGM and Minutes of the Meeting will be circulated to one all, and so we're now pressing everyone for your Subs for 2025.
It was proposed and accepted that the membership fee for 2025 will be £25.
Please make your payments into the new Bank Account with Lloyds Business Banking in the name of MellWood Golf Society, Sort Code 30-99-50, Account No. 60021663.
Memberships paid (to be updated as we receive your dosh): Alan Dennis, Bob Sneddon, Chris Sullivan, Paul Towers, Mike Towell, Steve Hudson, John Roche, Colin Newall, Mark Lewis, Mike Herzog, Gary Chapman, Mark McNally, Darren White, Jason Jones, Colin Lewis, John Chapman, Jeff Burgess, Ian Stevenson, Alex Stewart, Les Hornby, Robbie Henderson,Karl Taylor, Andy Fitzpatrick, Charlie Fitzpatrick, Peter Batey, Carl Ambrose, Danny Parr, Mark Roden, Phil Hodgkiss & James Oliver - 30/30 payments received
Urgent Message from Gertie!!
We have a sparkling new Bank Account!
This is a Treasurer's Account specifically designed for Charities and Societies such as ours and will make things easier when there is a change of Committee personnel.
Anyhow, it's with Lloyds Business Banking in the name of MellWood Golf Society, the Sort Code is 30-99-50 and the Account No. is 60021663
Will Members please kindly take note as all payments for Membership Fees and Future Events must be paid into the above Account as the previous Account will be closing in the next month or so. Thanks chaps.