Set-up to bring together past /present employees and friends of MellWood Construction, for the purpose of enjoying the game of golf.
In 2009 MellWood Construction experienced the loss of 2 employees and friends of the Company, Dave Williams (52) 12th February and Derrick Tan (47) 28th May. Both men died suddenly of heart attacks.
In memory of these two respected friends, Gary Wade a Jobber /Roofer with the company organised a golf weekend, which took place over the weekend of 12th & 13th September at Portal Golf Course, Cheshire. It was attended by 15 employees and friends, and Joe Russell age 75 being the oldest employee was elected Captain for the 2 day event.
The weekend proved a massive success with the honours going to John Chapman (winner), a not so sober Gary Salmon (runner-up) and Billy Fagan 3rd place.
The general feeling amongst those attending was, ‘we should form our own Golf Society’.
In December 2009 Kevin Woods set about doing just that, and by January 2010 with 24 members, The MellWood Golf Society was formed.